Empower Ministries

(formerly Nurture Ministries)

Ministries that take us into the mission field to be the hands and feet of Jesus.

Jesus tells a story of a man who was robbed, stripped, beaten and left for dead.  After
several people pass by this man, a Samaritan stops and cares for the beaten man.
Who was the neighbor to the beaten man?  The lawyer said, “The one who showed him
mercy.”  Jesus said to him, “Go and do likewise.”  -Luke 10:29-37

At BUMC, we believe mercy includes three areas: Compassion, Justice, and Advocacy.
As we go about our daily lives, we are called to “Go and do likewise,” to show mercy to
our community and beyond

AA Meetings: Hosted at Blackman UMC Monday @ 7:00 p.m.

How can I participate in BUMC Outreach?

Sunday Outreach

  • Food Pantry Donations – Narthex
  • Blackman Elementary School Snacks – Narthex (on hold until August)
  • Outreach Café – Fellowship Hall

Monthly Outreach

  • 2nd Wednesday  – Pack homeless lunches in Fellowship Hall at 10am
  • 3rd Sunday – Pack Food Pantry Bags in Fellowship Hall following both services
  • 4th Saturday – Deliver Food Pantry Bags, meet at BUMC, time will be announced the week before
  • 4th Friday – Sing-along at the Rutherford Assisted Living at 6:30pm
  • 4th Sunday – BUMC hosts Stepping Stones women and children from Sunday, 5:30pm to Monday, 6:30am

Seasonal Outreach

  • Generational Mission Trip – June 16-19, 2024
  • Project Transformation – July 8-11, 2024 (Reading Week), July 10 & 22 (Intern Dinners), July 18 (Family Fun Night)
  • MTSU Wesley Foundation Dinners – quarterly
  • Red Cross Blood Drives – quarterly
  • Salvation Army Angel Tree Angels – November

Local Outreach Partners:

These are some of our local outreach partners through which we serve our community by our prayers, presence, gifts, service, and witness.

Feed America First: https://www.feedamericafirst.com/

Greenhouse Ministries: https://www.greenhousemin.org

Nourish Food Bank: https://www.nourishfoodbanks.org

Second Harvest Food Bank: https://www.secondharvestmidtn.org

Project Transformation: https://projecttransformation.org/tennessee

Stepping Stones Safe Haven (shelter for women and children):https://steppingstonestn.org

Murfreesboro Cold Patrol: https://www.murfreesborocoldpatrol.com

Journey Home: https://lovegodservepeople.org